Working as one of the first full-time software developers at this early stage startup has given me the opportunity to touch many aspects of the Android app mobile product. From the redesign for Poptalk 2.0, I laid the groundwork to establish the Activity/Fragment/Service data passing control hierarchy and to maintain consistent UI styles and user experience. For the redesign, we switched IDEs from Eclipse to Android Studio, used the Android Support Library to provide material design features such as Floating Action Buttons, Collapsible Toolbars, Drawer Menu Navigation, Recyclerviews, and much more.

In addition, to provide clarity and structure, we utilized Square’s Otto event bus system to handle application wide events such as triggering success or error notifications. Another tool we used in the project was Jake Wharton’s Butterknife to bind view ids, click listeners, and resource values. Attached are a few screenshots of the lockscreen with facebook native ads, dialer with contact suggestion, call history with native calls.